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Writer's picture: Aileen DavidAileen David

Updated: Sep 16, 2020

What have you named your yoga teaching business?

yoga branding blog, yoga branding tips, free brand coaching sessions, branding foundations, helping yoga teachers find their name, naming yourself, effective recall, personality, Does your brand name show your personality, naming your yoga business, deciding on the basics

There's no right or wrong way to name yourself. But there are things to strongly consider, such as:

1. Does your name represent you as a person and as a brand?

Think back to when you were imagining what to name your yoga business - what kind of names were on your list? Choosing your own name and attaching "yoga with" or just "yoga" helps in identifying what you do, there's clarity in it. It doesn't quite tell much of a story, but you have the rest of your branding for that; but it does need to come through there.

Sanskrit words or phrases are strong identifiers of our profession as well, but, being a dead language, only the yoga community will understand what they are. It can be a little hard for our niche to identify with it. It can also give an air of exclusivity which can either work for or against you. Schools and studios also use either place names or Sanskrit, and the same considerations apply, generally.

Now, wackier names, like my own - Mad Yogi - straight away gives personality and invites curiosity. I've had a few reactions from students, when we still had studio classes, that it was so apt given the type of yoga I did. I couldn't have had a better confirmation that I chose right! It suited me so well, both as a person and as yoga teacher with the offerings I have. The downside is it isn't for general consumption, so to speak, as it goes against the grain of the image of "popular" yoga.

2. What is the effective recall of your name?

Simply put, is it easy to remember? Now, don't get me wrong. Your name doesn't have to work on recall all by itself. But it is something to strongly consider. My business name went through a few changes. I started out with Sadhaka Yoga; nice Sanskrit name complete with a lotus and water graphic.

But wasn't really capturing who I was. I felt like I jumped on the band wagon. Then I moved on to Discover Yoga. Ooh, a call to action right there! My logo was in red with white font - very strong. But I found it clunky and, again, not me - I had a hard time saying it! That made it forgettable in my opinion.

So, how effective is the recall of your name?

3. Will your niche relate to it?

I mentioned above that my business name - Mad Yogi - straightaway helps me with targeting my niche. It won't be for practitioners who are looking for really traditional yoga classes and delivery of teaching. Who it is for are practitioners who recognize the benefits of yoga but want a straightforward, scientific and modifiable delivery. There's a bit more that goes against the grain, hence Mad Yogi, and that's what my niche relates to.

Does or will your niche relate to your yoga business name?

The point of all of these is this, your brand name should show your personality. Be unapologetic about it! Own it!

yoga branding blog, yoga branding tips, free brand coaching sessions, branding foundations, helping yoga teachers find their name, naming yourself, effective recall, personality, Does your brand name show your personality, naming your yoga business, deciding on the basics

Your Branding Task: Meditate on your brand name. Does it tick the points we outlined above? Over and above all these - Does your brand name show your personality?

'Till next time!



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Aileen David
Aileen David
Sep 10, 2020

Hi Alex! In Australia we register our business names and that covers the trademark or copyright issue. The logo and business name don't really need to be trademarks because copyright laws state that if you as the owner publish it, its yours, and in the form that you published it as. For example, everyone can use a lotus graphic, but the way yours is designed is yours. See what the business registration rules are where you are; it may be the same in that two businesses can't have the exact same name.


Sep 09, 2020

How do you recommend getting around the potential trademark issue, especially in yoga where the same themes and words tend to be used over and over?


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