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Managing Roadblocks to Wellbeing Short Blog Collection | Volume 3

Updated: Oct 1

Hello everyone! We're starting the 3rd collection of my posts from our Facebook page! We're building this volume 3 of my Managing Roadblocks to Wellbeing Collection until the set gets big!

We go though yoga mindsets in a practical, relatable and belief-neutral way, so you can use them in your everyday life.

To that, this blog will be updated as we go along. For sharable MRW cards, visit the Affirmation Gallery.

So, here we go:

Short blogs of practical and relatable yoga mindsets

Spring is here! So, for us here in the Southern Hemisphere, the Vernal or Spring Equinox was a few days ago, on the 22nd of September.


...Where was my post?!?!?!


Well, the lack of post specifically for the Equinox is the topic of our Managing Roadblocks to Wellbeing Card today:


Spring brings with it a lot of movement! Things burst out of their sleep and things get hectic. This is true for the natural environment and in our own lives as well. For some reason...well, we actually know - the change of external temperatures, the boost in our energy levels, the psychological and emotions shift in our gears to "spring clean" - there's a lot of reasons.


Anyway, going back, the confluence of all these reasons is very much a symbol of Spring!


But amidst all this movement, this very Vata Dosha quality, we need to stabilise ourselves so we don't get blown over in the form of stress, worry, nervous energy, anxiety, and a feeling of being untethered.


We can do this through our breath, mindful movement, Active Meditation©, and anchoring our senses on the joy all this movement brings; the simple joys of life that give us that warm, fuzzy feeling.


So, my Equinox post may be late, but I'm still thankful I remembered!


Enjoy Spring!


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